Comprehensive Sexuality Education Tot Starts in Pretoria

Over twenty participants from different African countries are converged in Pretoria South Africa where they are attending a five day Training of Trainers (ToT) in Comprehensive Sexuality Education. The ToT is being facilitated by Save the Children International.

"The objectives of the training are to provide an opportunity to go through a personal process of looking at our own sexuality and gender roles and for participants to get a deepened understanding on the concepts of sexuality and gender and the linkage to HIV and AIDS and sexual and reproductive health rights for children," Mrs Yumnah Hattas the Project Manager of the PAN African Comprehensive Sexuality Education Project said.

The ToT is a three part training programme which will take place in three different countries with the same participants.The second training will be held in Tanzania in August while the third training will take place in Zimbabwe in February 2014.

"Our vision as Save the Children International is a world in which every child attains the right to survival,protection, development and participation. Our mission is to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives," Mrs Hattas added.

The participants who are drawn from the Civic Societies and Governments are expected to increase understanding of the concepts of sexuality and gender and how it is linked to HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights.

The outcome of this training is also expected to see a professional commitment to work with a process oriented approach in sexuality and gender.

"It is our aim to assist the participants to make an action plan, with support from their management for work to do before Phase 2 of the training programme."

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