Nigerian Law School Seeks ICT Cooperation With AUN

An 11-member team from neighboring Nigerian Law School--Yola visited on February 6 to explore ICT partnership opportunities.

Professor Isa Hayatu Chiroma met with President Ensign and other University officials. He said the School had a mandate to partner with communities and institutions for mutual benefits.

Professor Chiroma, head of Yola campus, said that AUN’s e-journals on law are evidence that the University can develop and adopt law programs in its curriculum.

He found the University’s e-library to hold up to 152 journals--more than some training schools in Nigeria.

The visitors were impressed with AUN facilities, especially its IT compliance. Chiroma identified IT as one area where both institutions can collaborate. He was particular about internet and e-resources being successfully pioneered by AUN.

For her part, President Ensign noted that if both institutions came up with ideas to harness the human capacity available their campuses, there would be a huge difference in the community. "We are trying to train young people to be leaders who understand their country and the continent's problems and are already thinking about solutions to them while they are here.”

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