AUN; SGA Opens ‘Village Square’

The Student Government Association opened a much-anticipated Village Square on February 3, 2013. Village Square, a new leisure spot, is a traditional Hausa hut
behind the three AUN Huts at the Main Campus entrance.
SGA President Faridah Ibrahim said that Village Square is something that her team came up with to address many student issues at once. “We wanted to find ways to increase food options on campus, provide a relaxation spot for students without having to leave campus.”
Implementation of the project took several months. President Ibrahim and her team, with the support of several departments at AUN, designed and supervised the construction and selected four food vendors -- Pastry Pot, Creamsworth, A3 le Boucheri, and a suya maker.
Ahmad Sanda Musa, a software engineering major, said that the idea is fabulous. “I have always wanted a place like this on campus. Though this is my last semester, I’m glad that a lot of students coming behind me will benefit from this.”
Phethile Nkwanyana, one of AUN’s international students from South Africa, was thrilled to hear Nigerian music. She said that the “Village Square is beautiful” and described the love she has received on campus as, “…second to none.”

Enenyantu Hannah Elagbaje, petroleum chemistry major, said that the new spot for students is “just awesome.”

Vendors at Village Square are open Thursday through Sunday from 6:00 p.m.

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