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Regional Minister Commissions Teachers' Living Quarters

The Brong Ahafo Regional Minister, Mr Paul Evans Aidoo has commissioned two teachers' living quarters at Subinso and Branam communities respectively.

The facilities which cost GH¢80,000 each was constructed by a benevolent group called Northern Empowerment Association (NEA) and their Canadian partners. It is aim to introduce education at the doorsteps of the ordinary Ghanaian child and to alleviate poverty to the barest minimum in the rural communities.

In his welcome address, the Municipal Chief Executive, Nana Yaw Osei Agyei appealed to the people of the two areas to support any worthy course that would enhance development. On on-going projects in the two areas, he assured the people of the government's commitment at completing them.

The Regional Director of Education, Dr Agyei Hene noted that education was the greatest tool for eradicating poverty in the world. He therefore appealed to nananom and the people of Branam and Subinso that, for proper accountability and supervision in the educational reform in the area, each Sub-Chief should be given at least a basic school to monitor to complement the effort of the GES.

He commended the CEO of the Northern Empowerment Association, (NEA) and his partners for the benevolent gesture to Ghana and asked them not to relent on their oars but continue with the good work they are doing.

The Chief of Branam, Nana Kwaku Bediako V said that, though the community had benefitted from the project, the Regional Minister and the Municipal Chief Executive through the Assembly should try and complete the construction of the classroom which had been abandoned for a long time now. He also appealed to the Canadian corps to take the opportunity of the peaceful atmosphere being enjoyed in the country to come and invest in order to bring infrastructure development in to the area.

The Chief Executive Director of the Northern Empowerment Association (NEA), Nana Dr David Mensah noted that, education was playing a pivotal role in administering developmental projects worldwide. Touching on peace, he said where there was peace and unity there was high level of investment. "It is in view of this that my Canadian partners agreed to come and help the people of Branam and Subinso in the municipality," he added.

He finally advised all stakeholders to come together and forge ahead in unity since it was the only avenue that, investors would be attracted to the area.

As it was his maiden visit to the area, the Regional Minister, Mr Paul Evans Aidoo was introduced to the chiefs and people of the Municipal Chief Executive.

Mr Aidoo called on all to support the governments' vision of promoting socio-economic development by investing in people a reality. He called on other private agencies to emulate same by partnering government in developing the nation as it could not do it alone. He also thanked the Association for their kind gesture.

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