The students say the strike by their lecturers will have a deleterious effect on the academic calendar.
Singing and chanting through the streets of Wa, the students brandished placards some of which called on government to address the grievances of their lecturers.
Whilst some complained the strike could affect their impending exams, others said they do not have enough money for an extended stay on campus if the strike protracts.
The Central president of the university, Awudu Kanton told Joy News’ Rafiq Salam efforts must be made by government to address the grievances of their lecturers.
"The various syllabi have not been completed or exhausted as scheduled and with the university’s date of examination scheduled from 15th -28th of April, it will be disheartening and an inconvenience to students if university teachers association of Ghana continue with the strike actions.
“Should the strike action continue for twenty one days the academic calendar would have to be rescheduled and this will affect the entire students especially those who are supposed to report to campus for their final year projects after examination and a short vacation,” he lamented.
The students later presented a petition to the Regional Minister.