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Man who caused lockdown at Carroll University Arrested

Carroll University
The man who walked around Carroll University with an air-soft gun Tuesday, causing the campus and several nearby schools to lock down, was ticketed for disorderly conduct, Waukesha police Capt. Ron Oremus said Wednesday.

Police arrested Michael Wiedeman, 50, of Waukesha on Tuesday after surrounding his apartment building a few blocks from campus, and his weapon was found to be nonlethal. Along with local police, an armored rescue vehicle and the FBI responded to the scene.

Wiedeman will pay a $303 municipal ticket, and the case is closed, Oremus said.

Oremus said that if the firearm had been real, Wiedeman could have been charged with carrying a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school. His behavior was also alarming because he was carrying the gun in his hand, rather than slung over his shoulder.

"That's enough to warrant police contact," Oremus said.

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