Kyambogo University In U.S.$1.9 Million Scam

Kyambogo University
An internal audit by Kyambogo University has unmasked a grand scheme where the beleaguered university has lost billions of shillings over the years through an intricate tuition fees payment scam.

In a recent internal memo by the Chief Internal Auditor, Henry Duku, to Ag. Vice Chancellor, Prof. Opuda Asibo, Kyambogo University lost sh5.5b in the academic year 2011/12 in just one faculty - Arts and Social Sciences.

The audit report paints a grim picture, highlighting cases of forgeries of receipts, discrepancies in entries in bank statement and student lists which resulted into students that had made partial tuition fees payment to sit university examinations.

"There is a likelihood that the examination cards are not authentic and the registration process is abused including falsification of receipts," the report notes.

The reports contends that more than half of the students in the faculty of Arts and Social Sciences sat for examinations in the academic year under review without making full tuition payment.

The audit report also highlights flagrant abuse of the University policy which bars private sponsored students from taking examinations if tuition fee is not paid by the eighth week of a semester.

"Obtaining the list of students who sat for examinations, for purposes of this audit was not easy. Such information was not readily available, with the office of the Academic Registrar," said Duku.

Embattled Kyambogo Vice Chancellor, Prof. Omolo Ndiege, first ordered for the internal audit in May last year after stumbling upon evidence that some students were defrauding the university through staying in halls of residence upon making partial payment of the required fees.

Such students, the university's crime desk revealed, would be given receipts indicating full payment, resulting into colossal loss to the university.

The university has been blighted by administrative wrangles and other allegations of abuse of office that are currently the subject of investigation by the Inspector General of Government.

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