Top level administrators of Tel Aviv University are visiting Sydney to strengthen ties between its campus and major universities in Australia.
Two areas of development have been targeted for this purpose and University president Professor Joseph Klafter told a meeting of the Australian Friends of the Hebrew University that plans are underway to expand on the existing associations between Australian universities and the TAU.
He referred to the recent joint project in Israel in which academics from Sydney’s linked up with archaeologists from the TAU in researching and and participating in a dig in Israel.
Their new initiative will include research and development in the field of dementia as the lifespan of many in developed countries increases. A Sydney expert in the field, Professor Henry Brodaty gave an insight into his work.
He recently became chair of Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing created as a joint venture by JewishCare and the University of New South Wales.
The university’s supporters were that they a drive is underway to encourage Australia students to study in Tel Aviv. Professor Klafter added that two courses had been implemented in the Tel Aviv campus to be taught in English.
University Vice-President Professor Raanan Rein and Chief Resources Manager Meir Amit will join Professor Klafter in the TAU visit to Australian universities.