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MIDDLE EAST, UAE, Ajman Crown Prince donates grandfather’s biography to global libraries

Abu Dhabi, UAE: The Crown Prince of Ajman, Sheikh Ammar bin Humaid, has donated a biography of his grandfather, the former Ajman Ruler Sheikh Rashid bin Humaid, to more than 500 libraries around the world.

Sheikh Rashid was one of the founding fathers of the UAE, but relatively little has been written about the Ruler, who inherited control of the tiny sheikhdom in 1928 as the pearling industry collapsed.

The biography, Rashid: Portrait of a Ruler, by the Dubai-based historian Graeme Wilson, has been distributed to 200 national libraries, 100 parliamentary libraries and 100 university libraries.
They include the Library of Congress in the US, the British Museum Reading Room in the UK, the Vatican Library and Trinity College Library in Ireland.

The distribution was part of Sheikh Ammar’s launch of the Ajman Libraries Initiative this week. It marked the 45th anniversary of Ajman’s signature of the Dubai Accord, a framework that led to the creation of the UAE.

The 396-page biography will be available in all major bookstores across the country this week. It is in Arabic and English.

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