UNITED STATES; Duke fraternity suspended over Asian-themed party

The Kappa Sigma fraternity at Duke University in the United States was suspended by its parent organisation after throwing an Asian-themed party – complete with conical hats, geisha outfits and intentional misspellings – that sparked protests by Asian students on campus, writes Kristene Quan for TIME.

According to the campus newspaper, the Duke Chronicle, the university’s Asian American Alliance organised a rally last Wednesday in order to highlight anti-Asian prejudice at Duke.

The fraternity event, initially called Kappa Sigma Asia Prime, was announced via email invitations that included stereotypical misspellings like herro and chank you and an image from the film “Team America: World police”, according to Yahoo! News. The off-campus party was later renamed International Relations after a report was filed with the office of fraternity and sorority life at the university

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