Turkish Government Donation to Amoud University Somalia

Amoud University is pleased to announce that Amoud University
received 40 computers and 7 printers from the Turkish Government through SomaliREN. These computers are the most powerful Desktop Personal computers ever Amoud received as donation since they are All-In-One HP New Brand, which consume less power and take less space.

These computers are used for following academic purposes:

    Ten computers are allocated in the lab of School of Postgraduate and they are connected to the university wireless internet. Postgraduate students use them for their learning activities and doing research.
    Thirty other computers, currently in main computer lab, were transferred to the faculty of Computing and ICT.  This lab is equipped for offering ICT common courses to students from different faculties.
    This donation will minimize the general scarcity of ICT facilities in Amoud University.

 The donated computers and printers were handed over to Amoud University by Prof. Suleiman Ahmed Gulaid, the Chairman of SomaliREN.

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