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Protocol Cooperation With Kimpa Vita University in Pipeline

Protocol Cooperation With Kimpa Vita University in Pipeline
A protocol of cooperation for the training of personnel and scientific research between the Kimpa Vita University and the governments of the northern provinces of Kwanza Norte and Uíge might be signed soon, Angop learned in Ndalatando (Kwanza Norte).

To this end, a delegation led by the deputy chancelor for academic affairs of Kimpa Vita University, Sony Kambol Cipriano, including technicians from both provincial governments and Kwanza Norte higher polytechnic schools met over the weekend in Ndalatando, to draft the protocol.

Speaking to Angop, Sony Cipriano said that during the meeting, the technicians analysed the memorandum draft that will later be signed by the representatives of Kimpa Vita University and the governors of Kwanza Norte and Uíge provinces.

He stressed that the terms of the protocol cover elements concerning the reinforcement of training of personnel in various units of the university established in the two provinces and construction of infrastructure to improve the quality of education.

The terms include a plan of cooperation with local firms for the absorption of manpower trained by the institution, including the adoption of joint strategies designed to stimulate the students and teachers who excel at the end of each academic year.

Based in Uíge province, Kimpa Vita University was established in 2011 and covers the VII Academic Region of Angola.

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