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RRCC hosts Japanese exchange students

Tsuruoka Students
Red Rocks Community College hosted one teacher and 11 students in a study abroad program from Tsuruoka, a city in the Shonai region of the Yamagata prefecture of Japan.

During the two weeks, students stayed with host families, improved their language skills, took classes at RRCC and went on excursions around the Denver metro area and the Colorado Mountains to get a sense of the culture and scenery.  After arriving on March 7, the students explored the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Red Rocks Amphitheater, downtown Golden, Boulder, and the Colorado Adventure Park.

“The Tsuruoka Study Abroad Program was an enormous success again this year!” said International Services Support Coordinator Dylan Stone.  “All the students had a great time learning about the culture and higher education of the United States while improving their English language skills and partaking in a life changing adventure.

 Many of the students said they would like to come back, and some of them did not want to leave; which is a direct reflection of the excellent experience we were able to provide for them here.”

After studying at a U.S. school like Red Rocks, exchange students with the proper visas have the opportunity to begin a bachelor’s degree, associate degree, or certificate program within the United States. RRCC’s Intensive English Language Program gives international students a direct path to American higher education without additional coursework in the English language to prepare for the TOEFL English language proficiency test.

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