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SPAIN: New UK-validated performing arts degrees in Spain

Capitalising on the new international horizons of British students, a performing arts school in Barcelona, Spain is offering courses from July 2013 that are taught in English and UK-validated by Norwich University of the Arts.
The sunny environs of Sitges are the home to Institute of the Arts Barcelona, founded by British industry expert, Giles Auckland-Lewis. It was inspired and supported in its initial development by the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (LIPA), which also advised direction on curriculum development and organisation.

The IAB will offer full Bologna-compliant, UK-validated foundation certificates, BA Degrees, and Masters Degrees in Acting, Dance, Musical Theatre, Popular Music, Stage Management, Arts Entrepreneurship and Film Production.

“The IAB is opening up the world to British performing arts students by providing a top-class education in an international environment that promotes collaboration with professionals across different disciplines,” said Auckland-Lewis.

“Our goal is to give a global perspective of the performing arts world, making it easier for students to develop their careers beyond the frontiers of the UK.”

The institute chose to open in the Barcelona area thanks to its sought-after location, he said, which provides a uniquely creative and cosmopolitan daily life for students, helping to foster cross-cultural innovation.

“We’re offering numerous opportunities for British students to undertake a degree qualification in the performing arts in a beautiful region of Spain, where the cost of living is significantly lower than in the UK,” said Mark Lethem, President of the IAB.

“Not only will students gain the skills and experience with which to create their own business opportunities, they will also enjoy the excitement of living and studying in another country.”

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